About The Bel­grade Cen­ter for Dig­i­tal Hu­man­i­ties (BCDH) is a lead­ing Ser­bian re­search and in­no­va­tion hub ex­plor­ing the use of com­pu­ta­tion­al methods in the study of tra­di­tion­al hu­mani­tis­tic dis­ci­plines. With a strong fo­cus on stan­dardiza­tion, da­ta mod­el­ing, dig­i­tal edi­tions, lex­icograph­ic re­sources and the de­vel­op­ment of train­ing ma­te­ri­als, BCDH forges an in­fra­struc­tur­al ap­proach to hu­man­i­ties com­put­ing and provides a wide range of services with the goal of mak­ing his­tor­i­cal, lit­er­ary and cul­tur­al her­itage as well as con­tem­po­rary artis­tic pro­duc­tion ac­cessible, reusable, and open to cre­ative com­pu­ta­tion­al in­ter­ven­tions. Estab­lished as a non-profit or­ga­niza­tion in 2008, BCDH is reg­is­tered in the Registry of As­so­ci­a­tions of the Repub­lic of Ser­bia un­der no. 17732277.